What our university is like
PSTU is the oldest and largest university in the South-East of Ukraine with a 90-year history and strong traditions, with international and national reputation, modern and developed.
Pages of history
In 2015, the university celebrated its 85th anniversary, the founding of “Priazovsky State Technical University”, which was established on the basis of the Mariupol Metallurgical Institute, which was opened in November 1930. The institute became a university in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 956 “On Establishment of Priazovsky State Technical University” dated November 25, 1993.
SHEI “Priazovskii State Technical University” was certified at the highest level of accreditation – IV level of accreditation in full in all areas of activity. The right of SHEI “PSTU” to train bachelors, specialists and masters in 42 specialties was confirmed. PSTU students are provided with 16 educational buildings, 2 dormitories, cafes, cafeterias, a student canteen, a medical center, a sanatorium, a driving school, a sports building, a stadium with artificial turf, “the Olympus” sports and recreation camp on the Azov Sea, a cultural and educational center, a musical theater studio, “the Meotida” student club, and “the Magic” fashion theater.

The university is located in an industrialized region. The largest Ukrainian companies operate in Mariupol: metallurgical, transportation, machine-building, etc. Companies are increasingly demanding the quality of their graduates, especially in technical disciplines. In 2008, the university and metallurgical plants created “School-University-Enterprise” training complexes, which provide special in-depth, practice-oriented training for specialists commissioned by employers. The graduates of SHEI “PSTU”, specialists in IT technologies, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, economics, energy and transport, are in particular demand in the region.
The university develops its computer and laboratory facilities, improves curricula to improve the quality of technical training. In 2009 (2010, 2011), SHEI “PSTU” was successfully audited by “TÜV NORD” (Germany) and received international certificates confirming the compliance of the university management system with the requirements of ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 14001 (environmental management). SHEI “PSTU” is the only university in Ukraine that has certificates of compliance with two international standards.
The university develops and opens new master’s degree programs, in particular, in the field of IT technologies, construction, as well as in the field of ecology, quality, standardization and certification. The University strives to train specialists at the international level in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna Declaration. To this end, the exchange of students and teachers with foreign partner universities is widely practiced. Over the past 10 years, the university has received 5 grants from international TEMPUS projects, 2 grants under the DAAD academic exchange project.
SHEI “PSTU” was one of the first universities in Ukraine to establish a Graduate Employment Center, a Business Incubator, and a Small Business School, which facilitate the acquisition of practical skills and employment of students during their studies and after graduation. Employment of PSTU graduates is carried out on the basis of 46 agreements signed with enterprises and institutions of the region. The total number of graduates employed per year ranges from 70 to 95%.
The development of scientific work at SHEI “PSTU” contributes to the high quality of training. Scientific research is carried out within the framework of the research complex, which includes problem, branch and 10 interdepartmental research laboratories, as well as research groups at the departments. There is a center for scientific and technical creativity of young people, departments of new materials and technologies, intellectual property, and innovation. The annual volume of research work is over UAH 3 million. The university has three specialized academic councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations (146 defenses over the past five years).
The university has a modern Computer Technology Center, 46 computer labs, and 955 computers that are connected to a university-wide network and have access to the Internet.
The university publishing center, equipped with modern printing equipment, provides publishing of HAC approved collections of scientific papers: “Вісник ПДТУ”, “Захист металургійних машин від поломок”, “Теоретичні та практичні аспекти економіки та інтелектуальної власності”, as well as methodological literature, textbooks, and monographs.
The university has one of the largest libraries in the region with a total collection of over 500,000 items, five reading rooms with 300 seats, and an electronic version of library resources. In total, the electronic library of SHEI “PSTU” has 12123 full-text electronic documents, 8506 methodological developments of university teachers and 1556 titles of electronic texts of articles in the Institutional Repository in open access. International relations of SHEI “PSTU” are successfully developing. In recent years, specialists have been trained for foreign countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. Foreign citizens are trained at the Faculty of Engineering and Language Training, Preparatory Department and other faculties of SHEI “PSTU”. Relations with 70 foreign higher education institutions in 24 countries have been established.