- Crisis and Risks Engineering for Transport Services 598218-EPP-1-2018-1-PL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
- Project acronym: CRENG
- Cross Regional Multi-Country Joint Project
- Priority – Transport Services
- Project duration: 15 October 2018 – 14 October 2021
- EU funding instrument: European Neighbourhood Instrument (Erasmus+: КА2 CBHE)
Specific project objectives are
- to develop, implement and accredit new practice oriented, student-focused MA program “CRENG” including innovative teaching and learning approaches and ECTS in UA, AZ and TM;
- to bring the Higher education institutions (HEIs) in UA, AZ and TM closer to labor market in CRENG area;
- to increase collaboration between EU and UA, AZ and TM HEIs in CRENG area.