

At the end of the last academic year, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine announced the LIST OF JOINT UKRAINIAN-POLISH SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH PROJECTS APPROVED FOR FINANCING IN 2018-2019

15 joint scientific projects with participation of Ukrainian universities received funding for their scientific ideas.  Priazovskyi State Technical University (PSTU) was among the winners with the project “Power quality in distribution networks with distributed generation”, developed by the Faculty of Power Engineering of PSTU. Aims and field of the project: Increase of energy efficiency of power supply systems with distributed generation; solving the problems of electromagnetic compatibility of renewable energy sources. Project Coordinator in PSTU is Yuriy Sayenko, the Dean of the Faculty Power Engineering, Prof., Ph.D., D.Sc.(Eng.), Project team: Tetiana Baranenko, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Oleksandr Gorpynych, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Andrii Molchan, postgraduate student.  The partner of the project from the Polish side is Lodz Technical University (LTU), which has been developing a fruitful cooperation with the Faculty of Power Engineering of PSTU for many years. Irena Wasiak, director of the Electrical Power Engineering Institute, Prof., Ph.D., D.Sc. Eng., managing the project at Lodz Technical University, together with her team: Richard Pawelek, Ph.D., Pavel Kelm, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Romaslav Mensky, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.,

In October 2018 the first meeting of the project teams will take place at Lodz Technical University for joint experimental research and processing of their results. Yuriy Sayenko and Tetiana Baranenko are going to Lodz to evaluate the energy efficiency of renewable energy sources on the basis of developed simulation models.

Priazovskyi State Technical University congratulates the Faculty of Power Engineering   and wish an inspiration and new scientific achievements.

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