Горохова Тетяна Вадимівна
В.о. завідуючого кафедрою маркетинга та бізнес-адміністрування, кандидат економічних наук, доцент
Контактная информация
- Электронная почта: gorokhova_t_v@pstu.edu
- Телефон: +380662238656
The Department of Marketing and Business Administration is one of the leading departments of SHEI “Priazovskyi State Technical University”.
The department introduces innovative methods into the learning process that contribute to the development of critical thinking skills, creative solutions to tasks, teamwork and leadership development.
Students of the department carry out active scientific work, win in olympiads, scientific competitions and practical cases in the specialty. An important practical experience for students is regular participation in international conferences and scientific internships. Teachers and students regularly participate in social projects at the city and international levels.
Our competitive advantages:
The training of specialists of the first (bachelor) level is carried out in the following specialties and educational programs (3 years 10 months):
The training of the second (master’s) level specialists at the faculty is carried out in the following specialties and educational programs (1 year 4 months):
More information about ADMISSION-2020: pstu.edu/uk/vstup/informacziya-pro-pryjom
В.о. завідуючого кафедрою маркетинга та бізнес-адміністрування, кандидат економічних наук, доцент
Контактная информация
One of the main activities of the “Marketing and Business Administration” department is the development of all types of international cooperation, preparing students for professional activities at international level. International activities are aimed at ensuring integration into the international university community, obtaining additional opportunities for accelerated development within the framework of the Bologna process and European integration.
The curriculum of theoretical courses are compiled taking into account the aspect of international contacts of Ukraine both historically and in terms of the current state of international relations.
The most productive form of improving knowledge and preparing for professional activity is the internships of students, graduate students, and teachers abroad.
Students of the department constantly take part in student mobility, projects and trainings of Erasmus +. Every year, teachers and students undergo internships in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Georgia, Lithuania, Czech Republic and other countries. The department is a partner and coordinator of the project “Active Citizens” from the British Council.
A very important component of the department’s work is to educate future specialists in understanding the multicultural nature of society, tolerant attitude to each other, respect for traditions, developing students’ critical thinking, pitching and negotiation skills.
Work undergoes on preparation and implementation of programs together with foreign partners with the mandatory implementation of the results of joint work in the educational process. For students of the department disciplines are taught in English. All teachers of the department have certificates of English language proficiency from level B2 and above.
Open the world with the department of MiBA.