

The faculty was created in May 2000, according to th order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. That decision was aimed at unification and intensification of the processes of tuition and research and improvement of the efficiency of training engineering and scientific skilled specialists, that has been done since 1970, when the department of Industrial transport was set up. The first industrial transport engineers got their diplomas in 1975. Since that time the department has trained nearly ten thousand specialists in transportation technologies. Now the faculty is headed by I.I. Pirch,  Academician of IT of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Candidate of technical science, Associate professor.     

The faculty comprises four departments:

  • Industrial transportation technologies;
  • Technology of international transportation and logistics;
  • Automobile transport;
  • Transportation management and logistics.

At the faculty bachelors and masters are trained at the full-time, part-time, distant and accelerated forms in the following specialists:

Educational level: Bachelor

Speciality : 275 Transportation technologies  

Specializations :

  • 275.02 at the railway transport (Educational program  – Transport technologies at railway transport)
  • 275.03 at automobile transport (Educational program –Transport technologies at automobile transport)

Educational degree: Мaster

Speciality : 275 Transportation technologies  


  • 275.02 at the railway transport (Educational program – Organization of transportation and management at industrial transport)
  • 275.02 at the railway transport (Educational program  – Transport systems)
  • 275.03 at the automobile transport (Educational program  -Organization of transportation and management at the automobile transport)

Organization of transportation and management at the automobile transport)

275.03 at the automobile transport (Educational program- Organization of international transportation)

Duration of training of bachelors of full-time and part-time forms is 3 years and 10 months, for masters 1 year and 4 months.  

Quality training of specialists at the department of transport technologies is ensured by experienced professionals, outstanding scientists and researchers of the domain of transport an logistics, including 6 doctors of science and professors and fourteen associate professors, PhDs. 

The tuition quality at the department of transport technologies gives the students opportunities of participating in international conferences, All-Ukrainian Olympiads, contests of students’ research works, and commercial works of the departments. The students also may take part in the work of sports societies, amateur art societies, annual contests and festivals, or take part in voluntary and social activities. The students, who came from other cities are provided with comfortable hostels.

The faculty, created on the basis of the department of Industrial transport technologies has inherited its rich educational and scientific traditions. The scientists of the faculty carry out a series of research works and international projects, aimed at improvement of design, methods of exploitation, maintenance and repair of technical transportation means, systems of management of industrial transportation complexes of industrial enterprises, management of industrial enterprises and transportation organizations, warehouses and warehousing terminals, transportation and logistic centres, and keep constantly abreast of the times, implementing the most up-to-date technologies into training an manufacturing. Here “Logistics of Pryazovie” –“Erasmus + КА2” EU programs can be mentioned. “Crisis and risk engineering at transport” project is aimed at developing the potential of higher education, giving our students an opportunity of continuing their education in the countries of EU.