Title: 101047780 — ECEnt — ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSC (AGREEMENT NUMBER – 101047780 — ECEnt)
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or [name of the granting authority]. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”
General information about the scope, objectives and activities of the Module “Social Entrepreneurship As The Identity of European Solidarity Economy”, in the broader context of the Erasmus programme
PROJECT DURATION: 1 September 2022– 31 January 2025
EU FUNDING INSTRUMENT: EU-funded ERASMUS+ Programme, Jean Monnet, with the support of the European Neighbourhood Instrument
TARGET GROUPS: university students, teachers, researchers, SMEs, secondary target groups (EU experts, policy makers, civil society, etc.)
GRANT HOLDER: State Higher Education Institution Pryazovskyi State Technical University (PSTU)
Tetiana Gorokhova
tel: +380662238656
email: tanyagorokhova88@gmail.com
PARTNERSHIP: Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)
The project aim is to intensify the European integration discourse in the field of social entrepreneurship, as the component of sustainable development of the European circular economy.
Specific tasks:
- to promote the implementation of European integration studies in order to obtain specialists who are able to implement the basic principles of the strategy ЕU4Business;
- to involve higher education institution in the study of European integration processes in the field of circular economy according the EU best practices of solidarity economy;
- to spread the ideas of the United Europe.
- Teaching materials for the course “Implementation of the European Circular Economy through Social Entrepreneurship as the Identity of EU4Business”
- Module’s webpage on the website https://pstu.edu
- Virtual platform (Moodle)
- Virtual Map of Social Enterprises (VMSE)
- Information materials for the Module’s events
- Published book “Social Entrepreneurship As The Identity of European Solidarity Economy”
- Research report on “Social Entrepreneurship As The Identity of European Solidarity Economy”
Expected results:
- ECEnt Module is implemented in the study process at PSTU, students who attended it have a clear understanding of social entrepreneurship issues, EU standards in this sphere
- Students launch social enterprises according to EU standards
- EU quality standards of education are implemented, curricular modernized at PSTU.
- Quality of education process increased at PSTU
- Unique values proposition for stakeholders will be implemented in the study process;
- Students increase empathy towards marginalized people; students promote European values in society.
- EU best practices of SME are synergized and sharing for target groups.
- Number of social entrepreneurships will increase; awareness and perception of European values and opportunities in society will increase
Project page in the university website, Facebook page
Kateryna Polupanova
Head of International Projects Department
- Email: polupanova_e_a@pstu.edu
- tel: +38 (066) 488-55-15; +38 (097) 921-32-48 (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp)
Tetiana Gorokhova
Head of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration, PhD Economic, Associate Professor
- Email: gorokhova_t_v@pstu.edu
- Phone: +380662238656
Tetiana Veider
Senior Lecturer, PhD in Public Administration
- Електронна пошта: tnvpost@gmail.com
- The training “European circular economy and social entrepreneurship: steps to develop your own idea”At the beginning of May, the training “European circular economy and social entrepreneurship: steps to develop your own idea” was held at PSTU. Спікерки інтенсиву – завідувачка кафедри бізнес-адміністрування, к.ек. наук, доцент Тетяна ГОРОХОВА та к. н. з держ. управління Тетяна ВЕЙДЕР – ознайомили учасників з найкращими практиками соціального підприємництва в Україні та світі, надали […]
- Erasmus+ Jean Monet program module framework round table17 лютого 2023 р. ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет» успішно провів круглий стіл на тему “Соціальна економіка та підприємництво – функціонування та перспективи зростання“, який проводився в рамах модуля програми Еразмус+ Жан Моне «Впровадження європейської циркулярної економіки через соціальне підприємництво як ідентичність EU4Business». Захід був проведений на базі кафедри маркетингу та бізнес-адміністрування Приазовського державного технічного […]
Future events
Virtual Map of Social Enterprises
Descriptions of Students projects
- Project Overview Title: Providing Employment and Job Placement for People with Disabilities as a Direction of Social Inclusion Policy
Master’s degree Specialties 231 “Social Work” Vyacheslavova V.A. - PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP
INSTITUTION DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, DNIPRO, 2023 - Implementation of the principles of environmental managementin the activities of organizations, as an element of the development of the circular economy. The work was performed by BA-20 group student V.A. Mukhin.Supervisor Ph.D. Government administration, Senior Lecture Vader T.M.
List of alumni
Recommendations & feedbacks
Useful links
Katerina Katerina.Rudenko@gmail.com
https://eng.callyachol.co.il/ Social business Israel
Dmytro Tomenko info@ngo-unit.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ngo.unit
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ngo_unit
Telegram: https://t.me/ngounit
Yulia Prydnikova
Daria Chekalova NGO “Divchata”
Tetiana Veider
Retraining tests: https://www.facebook.com/tetyanavader/posts/pfbid02fv9U4UTm1PgFMj5ME2H1smb9PEQHi19uWaJxGQcW5w6GhbjE3532bRCikju1aA5Fl
1. [Ukrainian Social Academy](https://usacademy.com.ua/en) – Provides educational programs and resources for social entrepreneurs in Ukraine.
2. [Impact Hub Kyiv](https://kyiv.impacthub.net) – A community and coworking space for social entrepreneurs in Kyiv, offering support and networking opportunities.
3. [SocialBoost](https://socialboost.com.ua) – A crowdfunding platform supporting social projects and initiatives in Ukraine.
4. [Ukrainian Social Investment Fund](http://usif.com.ua/en) – Implements social investment projects to support vulnerable groups and promote social entrepreneurship.
5. [Ukrainian Association of Social Enterprises](http://uase.org.ua/en) – Supports and develops social enterprises across Ukraine.
6. [Ridni Foundation](https://ridnifoundation.org) – Preserves and promotes Ukrainian culture through various social initiatives and projects.
7. [Ecoisme](https://ecoisme.com) – Develops smart home energy monitoring systems in Ukraine, promoting energy efficiency.
8. [Holosiyiv Dairy Farm](http://holosiyiv.com.ua) – A sustainable agricultural social enterprise producing organic dairy products in Kyiv.
9. [Tilma](https://tilma.ua) – Produces eco-friendly clothing in Ukraine, supporting sustainable fashion practices.
10. [Osnovy Publishing](https://osnovypublishing.com) – Publishes books on Ukrainian culture, history, and literature to promote cultural preservation and education.
11. [Skoll Foundation](https://skoll.org) – A foundation supporting social entrepreneurship globally through grants, investments, and partnerships.
12. [Ashoka](https://www.ashoka.org) – A global organization supporting social entrepreneurs with networks, resources, and funding opportunities.
13. [Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship](https://www.schwabfound.org) – Recognizes and supports leading social entrepreneurs worldwide.
14. [Acumen](https://acumen.org) – A nonprofit global venture fund that invests in social enterprises tackling poverty and promoting sustainable development.
15. [Social Enterprise UK](https://www.socialenterprise.org.uk) – Supports social enterprises in the UK and provides resources and advocacy for the sector.
16. [Social Enterprise Alliance](https://socialenterprise.us) – A membership organization supporting social enterprises in the United States.
17. [European Commission – Social Economy](https://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/social-economy_en) – Information and resources on social economy initiatives across Europe.
18. [Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship](https://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/faculty-research/skoll) – Part of the University of Oxford, focusing on research and education in social entrepreneurship.
19. [Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN)](https://thegiin.org) – A network promoting impact investing worldwide, including resources for social enterprises.
20. [The Rockefeller Foundation](https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org) – Supports initiatives that promote social innovation and resilience globally.
These links provide a range of resources, networks, and examples of social entrepreneurship both in Ukraine and internationally, offering insights into best practices, funding opportunities, and community support.
- “Implementation of the European Circular Economy through Social Entrepreneurship as the Identity of EU4Business” [Electronic resource] : methodical instructions for conducting practical classes of students in the discipline “Implementation of the European Circular Economy through Social Entrepreneurship as the Identity of EU4Business” for students of the all specialties and educational program/ comp. T.V. Gorokhova. – Dnipro: PSTU, 2023. 35 p.
- “Implementation of the European Circular Economy through Social Entrepreneurship as the Identity of EU4Business” [Electronic resource]: Methodical Materials for Project Work of Students in the discipline “Implementation of the European Circular Economy through Social Entrepreneurship as the Identity of EU4Business” for students of the all specialties and educational program/ comp. T.V. Gorokhova. – Dnipro: PSTU, 2022. 26p.
- Implementation of the European Circular Economy through Social Entrepreneurship as the Identity of EU4Business [Electronic resource]: course notes on the discipline for students for all forms of education / compiled by. T. Gorokhova, T. Vader. – Dnipro: PSTU, 2022. 113 p.
Kateryna Polupanova
Head of International Projects Department
- Email: polupanova_e_a@pstu.edu
- tel: +38 (066) 488-55-15; +38 (097) 921-32-48 (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp)
Tetiana Gorokhova
Head of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration, PhD Economic, Associate Professor
- Email: gorokhova_t_v@pstu.edu
- Phone: +380662238656
Tetiana Veider
Senior Lecturer, PhD in Public Administration
- Електронна пошта: tnvpost@gmail.com